…and I can’t get my genealogy butt up!!!!
Life has been so busy I hadn’t had the time to focus on my research in a while. I don’t ‘feel’ my ancestors pointing me in the directions they once were or they’re pointing me in the direction I’m currently going. Hopefully, I’ll get bit again and the urge will return.
Meanwhile, I was award with the One Lovely Blog Award by Kathryn Doyle at CGS. THANKS!!!!

Genea–bloggers use awards to support each other and to spread the word about new blogs with a family history focus. The honor comes with the stipulation that it be passed on to seven more “lovely” blogs.
Here are my picks….sorry if you’re duplicated..I’m selecting the top 7 genea blogs that I stalk that have updated lately…
Heritage Happens
Find Your Folks
But Now I’m Found
All My Branches Genealogy
Roots Reading
Our Georgia Roots
In other news, I’m going to Elizabeth City on the 25th to spend more time with family and doing more research. I hope to take pictures of more cemeteries in the area as well as interviewing some of the older family members.
But, before I go, I have to scan the 2 photo albums I got from my grandma and pictures I received from my grand-aunt. I’ve been slacking on my scanning. But, since this is my daughter’s birthday weekend and I’m torturing myself with allowing a slumber party, I figure I can lock myself in my room and get it done. My grandmother’s only requirement was that she get a new photo album for her pictures. I got the new album, now I need to start scanning.
Just wanted to let anyone out there that reads this, I haven’t disappeared, just busy.